Sally Ironmonger - Remedial Massage Therapist

Contact & Location Information
Contact Name Sally Ironmonger
Address Stirling WA 6021
Mobile 0412 688 120

Send me details or request an appointment

With over 14 years experience working as a Remedial Massage Therapist, Sally runs her own clinic and also works at Kingsley Physiotherapy.

Sally Ironmonger - Massage Therapist

Centrally located in Stirling, I offer a range of massage modalities including Remedial Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Sports Massage.

I have a background in elite sport having represented both Western Australia and Australia in Netball, playing in both National and World Championships. I have also coached Netball for 6 years at State League level in Western Australia. As both an athlete and therapist I am very much aware of the benefits of Remedial Massage.

Massage Prices

30 Mins - $60.00
60 Mins - $100.00
90 Mins - $140.00
(Prices subject to change)

Health Fund Rebates are available

Why not spoil that someone special with a Massage Gift Voucher?

To book a Massage, or to purchase a gift voucher, give me a call, or send me a message through the contact section below.

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Qualifications Details:
Diploma of Remedial Massage HLT50302
Senior First Aid

Association Membership:
Massage & Myotherapy Australia

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